
zurich financial insurance company

Dear Sir Zurich financial Insurance company Mario.Greco CEO This is really writing true by before contractor Naoko.Mogi I’m keep to the regulations a sidewalk right at traffic accident12/18/2016. I ‘m nothing blunders comparatively by traffic accident12/18/2016. Your insurance company group takes nothing to my injury insurance money and consolation insurance money and No pay to me at 12/28/2020 not it I forget never ever of your company group mituisumitomo top ceo noriyuki.hara to my injury insurance money to seal it. sonpo japan nippon kowa insurance company An.Nakamura & aioi nissei douwa insurance company hiroyuki.hasegawa & keiichi.morita & kei.komuro & hiroshi.takahashi & sonpo japan nippon kowa insurance company kenichi.tamura befor name kenichi.satou change name dr.shuhei.oda &mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company Noriyuki.Hara ceo to steals to my injury insurance mony for live in saitama his name is aioi nissei douwa insurance company keiich .morita his name is change kei.komuro came from miyazaki and Takahiro.matumoto and yasuhiko.satou and satoshi. kobayashi is grow up saitama Resona banks top ceo live in waseda no mori 3-9 honjiou city of saitama deluxe new secand house gift to you Tom, aren’t you? Your insurance company group takes nothing to my injury insurance money and consolation insurance money and No pay to me at 11/24/2020 not it. Why no pay to me ? Because another woman pay to you agein. Didn’t you knew that? I don’t have child of all at once. https://kianujensen705.blogspot.com/ But your company group my injury insurance money paids to another womans had child. What is your company research? https://kianujensen705.blogspot.com/ I will be going to sonpo japan Nippon kowa insurance company dan. Because Mituisumitomo Marin fiar insurance company of CEO Hitoshi. Satou was said to me “ Ño change lawyer harada” Thomas. J.white CEO branch of America , you are takes another woman of my injury insurance money takes another woman Aya.Kawasaki & Hiromi and so many another woman it. But I didn’t took my injury insurance money not it.Mario.Greco CEOand Calos. Goney Ceo be care full at 4/16/2020↓ Next house Hoshitani and shimada and tomita family, I find dan the principal to my injury insurance money to embezzlement it steals for Soka group mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company staff saitama police budget get it to liar so dirty. I find dan the principal to my injury insurance money to embezzlement it steals Sokagroup mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company staff saitama police Yasushi.Horiguchi and ceo Shinichi.Saitou and Sonpo japan Nippon kowa insurance company ceo Sawako.Nohara & Hiroaki.Okuno and Shinichi.Hara and ceoYasuhiro.Ooba and Naoki.Yanagida ceo and subaru car ceo Oogawara and Matuda car ceo Yuji.Harada and Ceo Katuhiro.Kekago and Honda car ceo Masayuki.Matumoto and Tokyo marine fiar insurance company ceo Shinichi.Hirose and ceo Okad and Ceo Nakaza and mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company sun group ffawptu member came from a branch Hiroshima matuda car ceoYuji.Harada another name Kanpo 生命ceo Kazuyuki.Harada and Sakaki staff another woman presents trial court a branch of maebashi court and my dater steals mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company Noriyuki.Hara ceo so dirty man mituisumitomo financial holdings ceo Jun.Oota and marin fiar insurance company Atuhiko.Inoue ceo and sonpo japan Nippon kowa insurance company Yasushi.Horiguchi staff , he was almost top of the dirty man and go crazy,dan!! But I’m going to sonpo japan Nippon kowa insurance company dan! See you so long forever ceo Jun.Oota and koike staff and yasushi.horiguchi staff and Atuhiko.Inoue ceo and Michiko.Igata and Kazuya .Igata staff and Kazuyuki.Harada staff . I find dan the principal to my injury insurance money to embezzlement it steals befor Tokyo marine fiar nichidou insurance company Kazuo.Tabata, and mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company Atuhiko.Inoue ceo and take over came from sonpo japan Nippon kowa insurance company Shirou.Satou ceo and Fukutaka.Hashimoto ceo and Yasushi.Haeada and Shuich.Oono ceo and Toshiharu.Oono and Noriyuki.Matumoto ceo and look a like Keanu man, may be or a branch Kawasaki and Noriyuki.Hara ceo ,he was so dirty man and au insurance company ffawptu member go crazy. I’m lawyer by myself only one. ← 決め台詞



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zurich financial insurance company

Dear Sir Zurich financial Insurance company Mario.Greco CEO This is really writing true by before contractor Naoko.Mogi I’m keep to the regulations a sidewalk right at traffic accident12/18/2016. I ‘m nothing blunders comparatively by traffic accident12/18/2016. Your insurance company group takes nothing to my injury insurance money and consolation insurance money and No pay to me at 12/16/2020 not it sonpo japan nippon kowa insurance company An.Nakamura & aioi nissei douwa insurance company hiroyuki.hasegawa & keiichi.morita & kei.komuro & hiroshi.takahashi & sonpo japan nippon kowa insurance company kenichi.tamura befor name kenichi.satou change name dr.shuhei.oda &mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company Noriyuki.Hara ceo to steals to my injury insurance mony for live in saitama his name is aioi nissei douwa insurance company keiich .morita his name is change kei.komuro came from miyazaki and Takahiro.matumoto and yasuhiko.satou and satoshi. kobayashi is grow up saitama Resona banks top ceo live in waseda no mori 3-9 honjiou city of saitama deluxe new secand house gift to you Tom, aren’t you?


佐々木希と田村希豪邸と私の高額後遺障害金右足膝蓋骨粉砕骨折入院時画像 損保ジャパンは自賠責保険担当 損保ジャパンは自賠責法16条の5の被害者本人に誰に支払先を明示する義務を怠る その理由はこの秋田出身の女の芸能活動費に入れ込んだ田村繁と田村健一が居たからだ

乃木坂の井上小百合の顔が激変 ^m^

乃木坂の井上小百合の顔が激変 ^m^ 私の偽装保険金狙いの脳出血48,000,000円狙いの井上孝則が仕組んだ詐欺事件 中村茂樹役員の関係者の中村アン 乃木坂も中村アンも黛英里佳も松川美樹も最低 本庄市に住む損保ジャパン中村茂樹と井上孝則と斎藤健一と田村繁が公私混同の私の後遺障害金を特殊関係人に使い込み




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私の後遺障害金横領犯は損保ジャパン中村アンというzurich japan の腐った泥棒女 呆れた事に自賠社に喰いつき無関係女が保険金横領した事件 私の後遺障害金横領したのはzurich financial insurance company カルロスゴーンの渡航費用は三井住友原田というチューリッヒ保険の下種が 損保ジャパン堀口寿士と坂本勇と吉田と組み何度も証券番号を上書き支払いデーター消去して 損保ジャパン根本哲と垣佳宏と三井住友料金センター長武田と小松正明が折半して使い込みしていた 最初から私に支払う意思も無く不払いにして紛糾させる目的で半盲認知症カルテをでっち上げた 三井住友代理人原田康史が同和あいおい損保と組んだ保険金詐欺 未遂でも罰する保険金詐欺罪 真面目に書証出した書面を利用し私が既に賠償済と嘘の情報リークをして 警察費の埼玉県議会予算消化材料に利用した同和あいおいと損保ジャパンの保険金詐欺



私の後遺障害金横領犯は損保ジャパン中村アンというzurich japan の腐った泥棒女 呆れた事に自賠社に喰いつき無関係女が保険金横領した事件 私の後遺障害金横領したのはzurich financial insurance company カルロスゴーンの渡航費用は三井住友原田というチューリッヒ保険の下種が 損保ジャパン堀口寿士と坂本勇と吉田と組み何度も証券番号を上書き支払いデーター消去して 損保ジャパン根本哲と垣佳宏と三井住友料金センター長武田と小松正明が折半して使い込みしていた 最初から私に支払う意思も無く不払いにして紛糾させる目的で半盲認知症カルテをでっち上げた 三井住友代理人原田康史が同和あいおい損保と組んだ保険金詐欺 未遂でも罰する保険金詐欺罪 真面目に書証出した書面を利用し私が既に賠償済と嘘の情報リークをして 警察費の埼玉県議会予算消化材料に利用した同和あいおいと損保ジャパンの保険金詐欺




児玉署237号の交通事故は本物の被害者茂木尚子の右足膝蓋骨粉砕骨折保険金一億百万円自賠責合算方式269,000,000円横領する為に認知症捏造事件です。加害者川本和哉が三井住友海上火災保険代理人原田康史と自賠責保険損保ジャパン代理人横山真司と造力宣彦使い私の後遺障害金を無断加害者 請求と自賠責保険損保ジャパン代理店児玉自動車工業の堀口寿士と坂本勇と同社代理店アカツキライフ吉田を使いコンプライアンス違反な無断被害者請求した兼任弁護人原田康史の犯罪です。原田康史は小出剛法律事務所の所属で東京都港区虎ノ門4-3-1城山トラストタワー36fで井桁通子を私と偽り、別訴で別人の女を私として保険金横領し、本物の交通事故被害者の私に対して債務不存在確認横領提起し五億円の利鞘稼ぎを離婚裁判中の私に遅滞裁判した三井住友海上火災保険代理人原田康史の犯罪です今、私は最高裁判所に一人で5回目上告審提起しました←全て別件事件です。 許可抗告と特別抗告を自力で上げた。事件番号令和2年ム146号と令和2年ム126号です 58歳の私が若く見える容姿から別人の保険会社女が保険金横領した保険金詐欺虚偽の認知症でっち上げた原田康史の無断加害者請求保険金詐欺 https://kianujensen705.blogspot.com/