





小出剛法律事務所の港区虎ノ門4-3-1城山トラストタワー36fの三井住友海上火災保険会社代理人の原田康史は私の後遺障害金を捏造虚偽半盲52,000,000円と脳出血認知症42,000,000円の架空空売り請求を自賠責委任弁護人シリウス総合法律事務所の横山真司と造力宣彦と企て 埼玉県本庄市早稲田の杜3-8に谷川眼科クリニックと同町3-7くげづか診療所を自賠責証書番号などを複数回変えて私の実損害の右足膝蓋骨粉砕骨折後遺障害金を横領した
自賠責の損保ジャパン熊谷の根本哲と三井住友海上火災保険会社熊谷支部の前任料金センター武田と青木明と代理人原田康史と同社役員の後藤仁志と役員の原典之と同属企業あいおい損保役員の佐藤康彦と役員の鈴木久仁と同属企業kddi au損保役員の山田隆章の保険金詐欺
三井住友海上火災保険会社に便宜を図る不在言い渡し判決は三井住友海上火災保険会社代理人原田康史の言い分通りの  あっせん収賄罪に該当する書記官深井和明は関係者が群馬銀行頭取のポストと田村健一は同和あいおい損保役員に関係者の田村悟が成っている






代理人原田康史の言い分通りの  あっせん収賄罪に該当する私の後遺障害金を使い込みの幇助https://kianujensen705.blogspot.com/



内田和成はライオン製品メーカーの役員に今回の件で成ったkddi あいおいニッセイ同和役員の高橋誠と同じ連中です





保険金横領詐欺犯のみんな元気 ?
小っちゃきゃ アソコも小っちゃいから ちゅき 💛
という ドスケベ道を邁進していますか・笑
そーいう マニアックな趣味は自分のポケットマネーで




ロリコンに眼鏡とデブが多いのはモテ無い冴え無い容姿の為だね きっと ^m^

私が男なら セーラー服よりも 可愛い顔や仕草 ↑ 

だね やっぱち

正統派アイドル顔と髪型のブリたん かぁーいい ♪











汚い三井住友あいおい損保の保険金詐欺を告訴し損保ジャパンに三井住友とau 損保の今迄の不法行為を回収させる

zurich financail insurance company

Your contact

Zurich logo
Dear naoko.mogi

Thank you for contacting Zurich Insurance Company Ltd.

Full name: naoko.mogi
Email: jensen7058@gmail.com
Company: i don't have company
Country: JP
Subject: Customer service
Policy or reference: reference
貴方の会社のgroup企業sonpo japan nippon kowa insurance company 平成28年12月18日の自賠責証券番号615p01065,615pd1065の交通事故歩道歩行時の加害者契約者川本和哉代理人原田康史と井桁通子が私の後遺障害金受領後に債務不存在提起をすぐ提起を平成29年7月27日に受領し、平成29年8月に埼玉県本庄簡易裁判所提起し、係属審議の埼玉地裁熊谷支部に債務不存在提起をした私の後遺障害金横領提起の件が保険会社管轄の東京地裁提起をしろと3年近く裁判を後遺障害金認定時効狙いの三井住友に便宜を図る詐害行為債権のみ残し、反訴棄却の加重贈収賄罪の判決が令和1年7月に判決され、判決更生を申立したが管轄東京地裁促され、告訴も兼ねて東京地裁提起をしようとした際に令和2年2月19日に交通事故に遭い、私が足を打撲と捻挫の怪我を負い、東京地裁提起が遅れました。令和2年3月17日までに東京地裁提起します。谷川眼科クリニック、くげづか診療所と三井住友役員新築豪邸建設費用に私の後遺障害金が使用された件をsonpo japan nippon kowa insurance company と三井住友両社提起します。貴方のzurich japan insurance company 元社員の滝沢さん、森田 さんも本庄早稲田の杜に豪邸新築の家を建てています。 全てのリストを損保ジャパンと三井住友に損害賠償請求します。サポート下さい。

Your Zurich.com Team.

Your request was triggered on https://www.zurich.com/en/about-us/contact-us

私の道は決まっている私の後遺障害金を横領した三井住友海上火災保険の小池と小松正明と武田と原田康史と井桁通子と損保ジャパン熊谷支部料金センター根本哲と垣と児玉自動車工業の坂本勇とau insurance company から奪還する
zurich financial insurance company と共に 💛




zurich financail insurance company

Dear Sir Zurich financial Insurance company Mario.GrecoCEO
This is really writing true by before contractor Naoko.Mogi
I’m keep to the regulations a sidewalk right at traffic accident12/18/2016.
I ‘m nothing blunders comparatively by traffic accident12/18/2016.
Your insurance company group takes nothing to my injury insurance money
and consolation insurance money and No pay to me at 7/5/2020 not it
Mario.Greco CEOand Calos. Goney Ceo be care full at 7/5/2020 not it↓
It was the principal to my injury insurance money to embezzlement it steals for used to bougth his deluxe new house live in wasada no mori hojiou in saitama to sun group ffawptu member and Soka group Sonpo japan Nippon kowa insurance company came from a branch kumagaya tetu .nemoto staff & kodama car group isamu. sakamoto & kazuko .nemoto & group Matuda car Masayuki.Matumoto ,he was pay to another woman of my injury insurance money .Sonpo japan Nippon kowa insurance company ceo befor Shirou .Tanikawa , he is ntt city 開発company ceo, now for my injury insurance money to embezzlement it steals for used to bougth his deluxe new house live in wasada no mori hojiou in saitama to sun group ffawptu member and Soka group. They is so liar and dirty. Your insurance company group takes nothing to my injury insurance money and consolation insurance money and No pay to me at 6/25/2020not it
Why no pay to me? Because another woman pay to you agein. 
Don’t you know that? I don’t have child of all at once.
But your company group my injury insurance money paids to another womans had child. What is your company research?
I will be going to sonpo japan mituisumitomo marine fire insurance company.
Because Mituisumitomo Marin fiar insurance company of CEO Hitoshi. Satou was said to me “ Ño change lawyer Ýasushi.Harada”
Thomas. J.white CEO , you are takes another woman of my injury insurance money takes another woman Aya.Kawasaki & Hiromi and so many another woman it. But I didn’t took my injury insurance money not it.
I find dan the principal to my injury insurance money to embezzlement it steals Soka group mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company staff saitama police Yasushi.Horiguchi and ceo Shinichi.Saitou and  Sonpo japan Nippon kowa insurance company ceo Tanaka & ceo Sawako.Nohara & Hiroaki.Okuno and Shinichi.Hara and ceoYasuhiro.Ooba and Naoki.Yanagida ceo and subaru car ceo Oogawara and Matuda car ceo Yuji.Harada and Ceo Katuhiro.Kekago and  Honda car ceo Masayuki.Matumoto and Tokyo marine fiar insurance company ceo Shinichi.Hirose and ceo Okad and Ceo Nakaza and mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company sun group ffawptu member came from a branch Hiroshima matuda car ceoYuji.Harada another name Kanpo 生命ceo Kazuyuki.Harada and Sakaki staff another woman presents trial court a branch of maebashi court and my dater steals mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company Noriyuki.Hara ceo so dirty man mituisumitomo financial holdings ceo Jun.Oota and marin fiar insurance company Atuhiko.Inoue ceo and sonpo japan Nippon kowa insurance company Yasushi.Horiguchi staff, he was almost top of the dirty man and go crazy,dan!! See you so long forever ceo Jun.Oota and koike staff and yasushi.horiguchi staff and Atuhiko.Inoue ceo and Michiko.Igata and Kazuya .Igata staff and Kazuyuki.Harada staff .
I find dan the principal to my injury insurance money to embezzlement it steals befor Tokyo marine fiar nichidou insurance company Kazuo.Tabata, and mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company Atuhiko.Inoue ceo and take over came from sonpo japan Nippon kowa insurance company Shirou.Satou ceo and Fukutaka.Hashimoto ceo and Yasushi.Haeada and Shuich.Oono ceo and Toshiharu.Oono and Noriyuki.Matumoto ceo and look a like Keanu man, may be or a branch Kawasaki and Noriyuki.Hara ceo ,he
was so dirty man and au insurance company ffawptu member go crazy.and useless persons of all. 1 dislike fat man and agly man, don’t you know that
I’m lawyer by myself only one. ← 決め台詞
Thomas.j.white CEO mituisumitomo insurance company branch of Australia , you are so wrong for counter Interijence project !!!
what do you thik? 
Next house Hoshitani and shimada and tomita family, I find dan the principal to my injury insurance money to embezzlement it steals for Soka group mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company staff saitama police budget get it to liar so dirty.
I find dan the principal to my injury insurance money to embezzlement it steals Soka group mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company staff saitama police satoru.Horiguchi and ceo Shinichi.Saitou and  Sonpo japan Nippon kowa insurance company ceo Tanaka & ceo Sawako.Nohara & Hiroaki.Okuno and Shinichi.Hara and ceoYasuhiro.Ooba and Naoki.Yanagida ceo and subaru car ceo Oogawara and Matuda car ceo Yuji.Harada and Ceo Katuhiro.Kekago and  Honda car ceo Masayuki.Matumoto and Tokyo marine fiar insurance company ceo Shinichi.Hirose and ceo Okad and Ceo Nakaza and mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company sun group ffawptu member came from a branch Hiroshima matuda car ceoYuji.Harada another name Kanpo 生命ceo Kazuyuki.Harada and Sakaki staff another woman presents trial court a branch of maebashi court and my dater steals mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company Noriyuki.Hara ceo so dirty man mituisumitomo financial holdings ceo Jun.Oota and marin fiar insurance company Atuhiko.Inoue ceo and sonpo japan Nippon kowa insurance company Yasushi.Horiguchi staff, he was almost top of the dirty man and go crazy,dan!! See you so long forever ceo Jun.Oota and koike staff and yasushi.horiguchi staff and Atuhiko.Inoue ceo and Michiko.Igata and Kazuya .Igata staff and Kazuyuki.Harada staff .
I find dan the principal to my injury insurance money to embezzlement it steals befor Tokyo marine fiar nichidou insurance company Kazuo.Tabata, and mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company Atuhiko.Inoue ceo and take over came from sonpo japan Nippon kowa insurance company Shirou.Satou ceo and Fukutaka.Hashimoto ceo and Yasushi.Haeada and Shuich.Oono ceo and Toshiharu.Oono and Noriyuki.Matumoto ceo and look a like Keanu man, may be or a branch Kawasaki and Noriyuki.Hara ceo ,he
was so dirty man and au insurance company ffawptu member go crazy.and useless persons of all. 1 dislike fat man and agly man, don’t you know that
I’m lawyer by myself only one. ← 決め台詞
Thomas.j.white CEO mituisumitomo insurance company branch of Australia , you are so wrong for counter Interijence project !!!
what do you thik?


同和あいおい損保kddu group が私の後遺障害金横領をしている。損保ジャパンgroup 同和あいおい損保の保険金詐欺であり三井住友に行っても損保ジャパンに行っても同和あいおい損保が保険金入出金しているので三井住友と同和あいおい損保の保険金詐欺であるという単純な保険金詐欺





金に目の眩んだ同和あいおい損保の架空空売り保険金詐欺を実質に見せかけるために私に筋弛緩剤等強度麻酔剤投与した同和あいおい損保kddi 森田圭一と山中と鈴木久仁と佐藤史郎と谷川るみこ田畑一雄と井上孝則と小田修平と星伸一郎と




Brenda & Dylan Getting Married

Dylan & brenda  いいなぁ~ 💛

♪ 幸せは歩いてこない だから歩いて行くんだね 一日一歩三日で三歩 三歩進んで
二歩下がる 人生はパンツ無しさ 汗かきへそ出し歩こうよ 貴方の付けた足跡にゃ
ノーパンの花が咲くでしょう チャリンコ漕いで ノーパン ワン ツー

事故に成ったら ノーパンがバレるぅー ♪ ← 実話 
ソレっ ノーパン ワン ツー ← 天然・笑



荻原 というタラコ唇の色気過剰女で埼玉北部弁そうな~ん


