
zurich financial insurance company

Dear Sir Zurich financial Insurance company Mario.Greco CEO This is really writing true by before contractor Naoko.Mogi I’m keep to the regulations a sidewalk right at traffic accident12/18/2016. I ‘m nothing blunders comparatively by traffic accident12/18/2016. Your insurance company group takes nothing to my injury insurance money and consolation insurance money and No pay to me at 12/16/2020 not it sonpo japan nippon kowa insurance company An.Nakamura & aioi nissei douwa insurance company hiroyuki.hasegawa & keiichi.morita & kei.komuro & hiroshi.takahashi & sonpo japan nippon kowa insurance company kenichi.tamura befor name kenichi.satou change name dr.shuhei.oda &mituisumitomo marin fiar insurance company Noriyuki.Hara ceo to steals to my injury insurance mony for live in saitama his name is aioi nissei douwa insurance company keiich .morita his name is change kei.komuro came from miyazaki and Takahiro.matumoto and yasuhiko.satou and satoshi. kobayashi is grow up saitama Resona banks top ceo live in waseda no mori 3-9 honjiou city of saitama deluxe new secand house gift to you Tom, aren’t you?

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